Sunday, October 19, 2008

Alexei Alexeivich Harlamoff paintings

Alexei Alexeivich Harlamoff paintings
Aubrey Beardsley paintings
testimony of a man like Athenodorus, in whose integrity their God Augustus had complete confidence, to persuade their God Augustus that the fellow's expulsion was justified. Athenodorus succeeded in ridding the city of this blood-sucker, but afterwards found it impossible to return to Rome as he ' had intended. He was needed by his nephews to help them rebuild the city administration on a firm foundation. Augustus, to whom he wrote a detailed report of his actions, showed his gratitude and confidence by granting Tarsus, as a personal favour to him, a five years' remission from the Imperial tribute. I corresponded regularly with the good old man until his death two years later at the age of eighty-two. Tarsus honoured his memory with an annual festival and sacrifice; at which the leading citizens took turns to read his Short History of Tarsus through from beginning to end, starting at sunrise and finishing after sunset.
Germanicus wrote to me occasionally, but his letters were as brief as they were affectionate: a really good commander has no time for writing letters Home to his family, his entire time between campaigns being spent in getting to know his men and officers, in studying their comfort, in increasing their
Andrea del Sarto paintings

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