Monday, October 27, 2008

Frederic Edwin Church Sunset painting

Frederic Edwin Church Sunset paintingTitian The Fall of Man paintingJohn William Godward Nu Sur La Plage painting
fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again.
The Seven Little Habits That Can Change so now you know how to form a habit — and remember, only do them one at a time — but you want to know the seven little habits. Here they are, in my order of preference (but yours may be different):
1. Develop . I put this first because I think it’s the keystone habit that will help you form the other important habits. Sure, thinking by itself won’t lead to success, but it certainly goes a long way to motivate you to do the other things required.
I learned this when I quit smoking — when I allowed myself to think negative thoughts, I would end up failing. But when I learned how to squash negative thoughts and ones instead, I succeeded. This discovery lead to me practicing this over and over, until I was able to form just about any habit I needed. It’s been invaluable to me, and I think it could be to most people.
Focus on this habit first, and you’ll have a much easier time with any of the others. Start by becoming more aware of your negative self-talk — do a little tally sheet throughout the day, marking a tally each time you notice a negative thought. Soon you’ll recognize them, and you can squash them.
2. Exercise. People who’ve been hearing me harp on about exercise might roll their eyes. Sure, exercise is and all that, but how exactly is it changing? I’m glad you asked:

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