Monday, January 12, 2009

Pablo Picasso The Pipes of Pan

Pablo Picasso The Pipes of PanPablo Picasso Studio with Plaster HeadPablo Picasso Les Demoiselles dAvignon
word: because of face," says an acquaintance who works in the bustling commercial heart of Hangzhou. "If someday I lose everything and go bankrupt, I can be a beggar anywhere except in my hometown." For reasons known only to himself, though, Tang went looking for work in Sichuan—the country's No. 1 provincial exporter of laborers. His a faded patio umbrella. On Aug. 1 he had his daily 75-cent meal of noodles and a smoke at his usual restaurant. He paid off his $45 rent; he was always punctual that way, his landlord recalls. He packed his belongings. The landlord says they didn't half fill a paper bag. Around 5 that afternoon, Tang futile quest ended on May 12, when a devastating earthquake hit, killing 69,000 and rendering tens of millions of local residents jobless and Homeless overnight.Tang returned to his rented room. Even as his world fell apart, he tried to keep up appearances. By now he was so poor that he owned just a single set of clothing. Fellow tenants would see him in the evenings, washing his clothes by hand in an outdoor sink beneath

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