Monday, March 30, 2009

William Bouguereau Jeune Bergere Debout

William Bouguereau Jeune Bergere DeboutJohn Constable Malvern HallJohn William Waterhouse The SorceressJohn William Waterhouse The Enchanted GardenJohn William Waterhouse Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden
Then he trotted after Ginger, hating himself. If I was a wolf, which technic’ly I am, he thought, there’d definitely be a out as he strove to keep up. His head was aching.
He risked a few sideways squints to see if any other dogs were watching. If they were, he thought, he could pretend he was chasin’ her. Which was what he was doing, anyway. Yeah. The trouble was, he never had much breath at the best of times, and it was getting hard to keep pace. She ought to have the decency to slow down a bit.
Ginger began to climb the lower slopes of the hill. rending of jaws and similar. Any girl wandering around by herself would be in dead trouble. I could attack, I could attack any time I liked, I’m jus’ choosing not to. One thing I’m not doin’, I’m not sort of keepin’ an eye on her. I know Victor told me to keep an eye on her, but catch me goin’ around doin’ what humans tell me. I’d like to see humans that could give me orders. Tear his froat out, jus’ like that. Hah. An’ if anything happened to her he’d go around moonin’ for days and prob’ly forget to feed me. Not that dogs like me needs humans to feed ‘em, I could be out bringing down reindeers just by leaping on their backs and bitin’ their jugulars off, but it’s damn convenient getting it all on a plate. She was moving quite fast. Gaspode’s tongue hung

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